Soohyun’s Machine-learning

My Ringle Story 본문

Study English/Ringle

My Ringle Story

Alex_Rose 2020. 8. 24. 23:21

20분 체험수업권 + 2만포인트 선물 받기, 클릭!


I was introduced to English when I was an elementary school student. That English class was repetitive and boring. When I was in my first year of middle school, what was boring became fun because of my workbooks. In the workbook, there were songs that I loved to sing. There were also games, like a game with a map of a town, where we had to find our way from a house to places like the post office. I thought the problems and games in the book were exciting. Due to this experience, I really enjoy learning English. 

Came across machine learning

Have you ever noticed a scanner for the veins in your hand on an ATM at a bank?

Do you know how YouTube recommends for each subscriber?

How about talking with Siri, Google Home, or Amazon Alexa?


These are examples of machine learning a.k.a Artificial Intelligence. AlphaGo beating Lee Se-dol made a huge impact globally, especially for people in the IT industry. I was one of those people. At the time, I was a game planner in the game industry and I was a huge fan of Lee Se-dol. The AlphaGo match led me to choose being an AI researcher as my future job. Then, my struggle with English began. 


I have taken several different courses for practicing English conversation, but Ringle is best suited for people like me who want to learn proper English for the following reasons:


  • The high-quality and diverse materials which are very practical.

  • High volume of content: webinars / Turn Chat (a study platform for members) / various off-line and on-line events

  • Learn advanced vocabulary during conversations with tutors

  • Familiarize oneself with varied accents of tutors such as British and German accents


I met many tutors in the classes. The most impressive tutor was Esther when I first started Ringle. She was extremely kind and respectful. However, I made a mistake with her and assumed that because she was Korean-American, I could ask her the Korean word for a word we were discussing. Although she graciously ignored my rudeness, I was so ashamed of myself. That class sparked me to think of global manners. 

Back when I was having a class, I remember I had a very extroverted tutor. She kept saying, “Oh my God, Oh my God” continuously when I told her that one of my colleagues was a “nerd”. Although I used that word without any bad intentions, she looked shocked given my terrible “nerd” colleague. After that class ended, I never used the word “nerd” ever again because I wanted to avoid what I said leading to a misunderstanding. Additionally, I came to realize that I should only choose words that I know will not hurt someone’s feelings. 


I have been trying my best to communicate with tutors during my classes. Despite my English not being perfect, tutors tolerantly listen to me and try to understand what I’m trying to say. If you choose the auto-matching option between the tutor and tutee in Ringle, you might encounter a tutor who cannot fit your preferences. Regardless, whether or not a tutor fits your preference, I have always learned something by communicating with tutor from my personal experience. 


For instance, classes with silent tutors can be uncomfortable to both the tutor and the tutee. However, amazingly, the paraphrased sentences in a tranquil ambience was so good. 


Without a doubt, many of the tutors have both paraphrasing and speaking skills and Ringle supports their classes. Even so, auto-matching compels me to meet a new and characteristic tutor every time. Additionally, if I want to live in the U.S. some day, I should definitely get used to talking to a diverse set of people.




The review system of Ringle

Ringle supports recording a mp3 each class. A mp3 contains a conversation during a class. How do we use this MP3? 


After a class, an mp3 is converted to a chat format in a review page. This review system creates a more efficient form of studying. The system give you to an analysis of a class like:


1) our voca range during the class; if you use the same words, then you can find synonyms for these words. Ringle suggests you the synonyms of the word 

2) the frequency of filler words (like umm, oh..)

3) the speed of speaking 


An analysis of the MP3 tells us how wide our vocabulary range and speed is. If you always use the same words, then you can find synonyms for those words. This review system creates a more efficient form of studying.  


You can avoid your favorite words which are used frequently. You can understand exactly what your tutor said. Almost every tutor’s spoken words and sentence structures are of high-level English, according to my personal opinion. It is comfortable discussing with the tutor on Ringle.  


Especially, I strongly recommend Ringlers to dissect the texts of the Mp3. Almost every tutor's spoken words and sentence structures are of high-level English, according to my personal opinion. Since then, reviewing what the tutor said is helpful to know the proper expressions.


In addition, I recommend to immediately write a summary of the class when the class has ended because I may forget many things after a few hours. Surely, you could remember what the tutor said when listening to the MP3 of the class. However, by using this method you would  be essentially repeating the class three times (listening to the Mp3 / summarizing a class / reviewing the class). 




The below list is the study method I have followed for improving my English. The list contains the methods recommended by Ringle as well as some personal suggestions. I hope this list will be a good reference for people looking to get started with Ringle!

<Prior to a class>

  • Reading and Listening to the material (with its references such as articles and videos)

  • Write an answer for each question 

    • I like to write long answers per question; this allows you to understand the question and the topic more deeply

      -    Re-write a Korean article to English 


<During the class>

  • Communicate with the tutor as much as possible

    • At the start of the lesson, inform the tutor of exactly what you expect

    • We can review the practical English from the conversation after the class

   -   Try not to repeat any mistakes that you made the former class



  • Listen to the Mp3 version of the class

    • We can go back and listen to what the tutor recommended

    • We can learn from the proper English that the tutor used

   -  Go back and review our mistakes

